Titan Inspection Services

Ready to Answer You Mon-Sun 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Ready to Answer You Mon-Sun 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Ready to Answer You Mon-Sun 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
A man holds a magnifying glass up to a model home, symbolizing a pre-listing inspection.

How Pre-Listing Inspections Help You Better Understand & Sell Your Home

Summary: Pre-listing inspections, conducted by sellers before listing their homes, offer valuable insights into the property’s condition, helping set a fair price and avoid surprises.…

A home inspector with a clipboard

Top 10 Things to Look for in a Washington Home Inspection Report

Buying a home in Washington state is a significant investment. A thorough home inspection is crucial to ensure your new home is safe and sound.…

A woman cleans mold from a wall near a vent.

It’s Possible to Have Home Mold Inspections Without Being Alarmist

Summary: Mold in homes can be a minor issue or a serious health risk. Home inspections can help identify and address mold problems without causing…

A woman hugs her husband, holding keys to their new home in her hand.

5 Essential Tips When Buying a Home for the First Time

Summary: Key Tips for First-Time Home Buyers Define Needs and Wants: Clearly outline what you require from your first home, including location, size, and amenities.…

Mold around a window corner

How to Prevent Mold in Your Bathroom

Mold in your bathroom isn’t just an eyesore; it can be a health hazard, too. But don’t worry! Armed with the right know-how on bathroom…

A home inspector working on a clipboard

The Importance of a Detailed Home Inspection Checklist for Homeowners

Buying a home is an exciting journey, filled with hopes and dreams about the future. However, it’s also a process that requires careful attention to…

A worker repairing a moldy and water-damaged ceiling

Mold on Ceiling: Not as Scary as You Think

Discovering mold on your ceiling can initially feel alarming. Visions of black mold on the ceiling damaging your health and home might flash through your…

A home inspector inspecting gutters on a house

How Long Does It Take to Do a Home Inspection?

Buying a home is a thrilling adventure, but it’s also a time when due diligence is crucial. Among the essential steps in this process is…


Spring Maintenance Tips

The weather has warmed up, so it’s time to get going on the lawn and the flower beds and freshen everything up. We have some…

Wall of house with termite damage

Simplifying Termites: Clear & Effective Solutions

Have you been told that you might have a termite problem or termite damage in your home or garage? We can help you understand where…


House Inspections: 4 Reasons To Book This Service

It surprises many people to learn that a house inspection is not required when you purchase a house in the state of Washington. While you…


What Does the Presence of Mold Mean?

Indoor environments are not immune to mold growth, and toxins released by mold could potentially cause severe illness. After being breathed in, mold spores eventually…