How Realtors and Home Inspectors Work Together for You

How Realtors and Home Inspectors Work Together for You Featured Image

Realtors and home inspectors play different roles in the home-buying process. However, they both serve the interests of home buyers. If you are looking to purchase a new home, your realtor is how you will find a home that fits your needs. Working together, you will narrow down your search until you’ve found a home you want to buy.

In turn, the home inspector will make sure you fully understand the condition of the house you are looking to purchase. Your home inspector is how you will discover if serious problems such as mold, sewer breaks, water damage, rodents, asbestos, fire hazards, cracks in the foundation, or faulty electrical wiring are present.

The home inspector will examine the entire house: roofs, floors, windows, and walls. Every key element of the house will be gone over, including the electrical system, plumbing, and the entire HVAC system (including central air conditioning and water heaters).

A home inspector is like an auditor for a home — their job is to look at everything to see if it works, doesn’t work, is new or old, needs attention or is fine as-is — who gives a clear outline of what they’ve found both verbally and in a written report. A home inspector is a sort of last line of defense before you put pen to paper and finalize your decision to buy the property.

The Synergy of Realtors and Home Inspectors

In essence, your realtor and home inspector work toward the same goal: to get you into the home you want. Each assists you in different ways. It’s a two-part process. Your realtor initially finds you your dream home. Next, your home inspector ensures that the home is in acceptable condition, so that your dream home doesn’t turn into a nightmare. Without the help of a home inspector, you and your realtor cannot know what state the home is actually in. It’s a team effort to get the buyers as much data as they can get on the property.

Realtors at a Home Inspection

It’s a good idea for your realtor to be present at your home inspection. A realtor will be as interested as you are in the state of the home they are helping you buy. Your realtor may take notes on issues found during the inspection. By being present for the inspection, the realtor will fully understand what they are writing up if a repair request is sent to the current homeowner.

After a Home Inspection

Following a home inspection, it’s up to you and your realtor to decide what to do with the information. If major issues with the home are found (such as significant structural problems), you might even decide to make adjustments to get to a place where you feel you are getting the house you’ve hoped you were getting for the price you feel is fair in the current market. Conversely, if no problems are found, or only minor issues, you might simply buy the home as is.

A likely scenario is for you and your realtor to ask the current homeowner to make the necessary repairs before the sale is completed. Or, your realtor might ask the seller to reduce the asking price or give you a credit to take care of the repairs after the sale. The seller might or might not accept these requests. It will be up to your realtor to negotiate an agreement acceptable to you.

Why Choose Titan Inspection Services

Titan Inspection Services has the in-depth technical expertise you need in a home inspector. We inspect every important aspect of a home, including roofs, attics, basements and foundations, exteriors, plumbing, electrical, heating and cooling systems, drainage and grading, and garages.

We have extensive experience in homes of all types. We use thermal imaging, sewer scopes, and lab testing to ensure that nothing is missed, and more than 150 items are included in every inspection report we prepare.