Titan Inspection Services

Ready to Answer You Mon-Sun 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Ready to Answer You Mon-Sun 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Ready to Answer You Mon-Sun 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
So…what does a home inspector do

So…what does a home inspector do?

You know the saying – haters gonna hate, home inspectors gonna inspect. But what do they inspect? Let’s break it down. What Does a Home…

Is my home inspector legit, or is he full of

Is my home inspector legit, or is he full of…

Ok, so listen: I’m not here to talk bad about other home inspectors. It’s petty, unprofessional, and honestly just really messy. That being said, I’m…

Should I get a home inspection with the inspector my realtor recommended

Should I get a home inspection with the inspector my realtor recommended?

Should I get a home inspection with the nspector that was recommended by my realtor? YES …you’re still here? It’s yes, the answer’s yes, you…